Knee Pain

Say Goodbye to Knee Pain With Help From Our Licensed Chiropractic Experts

Three black dots on a white background.

Are you tired of struggling with knee pain that's holding you back from enjoying your everyday life to the fullest? Look no further than the chiropractors trusted throughout Charlotte, NC, Greenapple Sports & Wellness. Our team of licensed chiropractic experts is dedicated to helping you find relief. Free yourself from knee pain by calling and scheduling your treatment today at 704-527-7246.

We’re Here to Help Our Patients Fight back Against Knee Pain With Tested Chiropractic Methods

Knee pain can affect people of all ages and activity levels. Whether you're an athlete pushing your limits on the field or someone dealing with the wear and tear of everyday life, knee pain can significantly impact your quality of life. Some common causes of knee pain our patients have come to us for include:

A black and white drawing of a knee joint.

Quad Tendinitis

A black and white drawing of a person 's elbow on a white background.


A black and white drawing of a bandaged elbow on a white background.

Osgood-Schlatter’s Disease

A drawing of a person 's hand with a rainbow in the background.

IT Band Syndrome

A black and white drawing of a knee with a painful knee.


A black and white drawing of a knee joint on a white background.

Ligament Strains

Transformative Chiropractic Knee Pain Services Designed to Keep You Moving

At Greenapple Sports & Wellness, our team provides expert care for individuals and athletes with varying degrees of knee pain. Whether you're an athlete striving to get back in the game or someone looking to improve your quality of life, we're here to help. Our comprehensive approach to knee pain management focuses on addressing the underlying cause of your pain and developing a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.

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